Sony Xperia Review
In the field of Electronics, Sony is the name which doesn’t need any Introduction. In fact, for majority of the population, Sony refers to the quality. The reason behind that is very simple and straight, Sony has never compromised if it comes to the Quality, no matter if they are loosing the lower income class customers, who can’t afford Sony Smart Phones. They has never offered any stupid mobile phone under 3K in the market, to attract the lower income class community. The price range for Sony Xperia Series Mobiles starts from 8-9K and goes upto 30-35K INR.
The reason, for which we are so sure about the Sony Mobile Phones quality is, as 60% of the staff members here at a2z infomatics are using Sony Xperia Mobile phones, without having any single complaint. And Today, we have selected some of the strong points from these happy Sony Mobile holders and sharing them with the Internet Community. Below are the strong points, with full explanations.
Unbeatable Battery Life.
Battery Life is always a big concern for everybody, while purchasing any Smart Phone. Although, it depends on many other things too, like the way people use their mobile, still the quality of the battery life in Sony Mobiles is unbeatable. Not only the battery life, many Sony users has reported that the battery in their mobile phones is taking very less time to get full charged, which actually indicates the quality of the battery, Sony people are using in their mobiles.
Sony Xperia mobile users are reporting another interesting thing about the battery life of their device, the GREAT backup time in the dying stage of the battery. Generally, the mobile battery drains very rapidly once its reaches to the 10% mark. People are reporting, there is no such thing with Sony Mobile battery, as it is draining at its regular rate. Don’t you think, it again indicates the Battery Quality of the Sony Xperia Series Mobile Phones.
Speed and Performance at its best.
We don’t know what special speed boosters Sony people are putting into their mobile phones, the Sony Xperia series phones, with the processor of less speed too, proving the relishing speed with acceptable performance. You don’t even have to include any third party speed booster in the Sony Xperia Phone, it will look energetic all the time. The other best thing about the performance of Sony Xperia phone, they never feel tired with any heavy game or multimedia app. Nobody has reported any lag with any game or app, everything is running smoothly and perfectly in the Xperia series of the Sony Mobile Phones.
Important: Do clean the cache files in the phone on a regular basis, it will give you the best performance out of the Sony Xperia device. By performing this action, you can even free up the internal storage of Sony Xperia phone.
Quality Camera in any Condition, specially at NIGHT.
In the sunlight, any phone from any company, can give the better looking picture. The main test of the phone’s camera starts, when using it indoor or in the night. Believe us, you never have to worry about the “available light” while clicking the pics with any Sony Xperia Series Mobile, the used camera in Sony Xperia Phones adopts the best light itself, according to the condition. The other best thing about Sony Xperia camera, the internal memory used to save the pics and videos. We have seen the mobiles, which consumes 400-500 MB of the space for any 15 minute video file. Not in the case of Sony Xperia Mobiles, it hardly consumes 100-150 MB of the space for any 15 minute video file. Many of the people maybe wondering, if it degrades the quality of the videos. Never, to confirm this, arrange any Sony Xperia phone from any of your friend or relative, shoot the video and feel it yourself.
Wide Range of Models, according to the Budget.
Sony Xperia Series comes with a large number of models, suiting anybody’s pocket. As already mentioned, their range starts from 8-9K and ends at 30-35K, INR. Sony’s Z series mobile is actually competing with the famous iPhone model, with much less price tag on it. Sony’s C series suits almost everybody, with the features, as well as price. Sony’s M series model is for those, who actually wants the Sony Xperia device for the minimum. In general, they have every category of the people in their mind, but don’t want to offer any stupid device to anybody.
Important: If you are planning to purchase any Sony Xperia device, do choose the perfect model according to your requirements. Don’t worry about the price, you will get the full value for your money and the assured quality too.
Best Resale Value of the Sony Xperia Series Phone.
As discussed in the previous “Samsung Smartphone Review” post, in this modern world, nobody want to keep the phone for any longer time period. Everybody wants to use it for a short period, then resale it to get a brand new updated model. With Sony Xperia series, you never have to worry about the resale value of the Phone, you will get the best price, unless the device isn’t physically damaged. We have seen the Sony Xperia Phones got resold, with great resale price and within minutes many many times. Just yesterday, a staff member from our group has resold his Sony Xperia C series phone for almost 60% of the original price. Don’t you think, this is quite a good assurance for its future price.
Great Social Value.
After iPhone brand, Sony is the next big brand if anybody is talking about the social values. Like Samsung Smart Phone, Sony doesn’t belongs to the normal category phone. People have the great respect for Sony and its products too. Actually, this applies to every single item, Sony is offering to the public. In fact, people are crazy to post their Facebook updates using the high social value devices, the Sony is one of them.
Who knows, maybe to maintain the good social value, Sony hasn’t offered any cheap mobile model of the Xperia series. You will feel this great social value of the Sony Xperia series, once you get the first one in your hand. We bet, people will just snatch it from your hand, and will put tons of the questions about your new Sony Xperia Phone.
Final Thoughts.
Today, we has shared some strong point about, Why you should buy Sony Xperia Mobile Phone. Although, these were just our personal views, do make your own research prior to buy any Sony Xperia Mobile Phone. We bet, you will find the same strong points in your research regarding Sony Xperia Series. Anybody, who is not agreed with the above point, can freely share his / her strong points under the comment section below. The same will be helpful for others to make any final verdict for the Sony Xperia Mobile Phones.
That’s all for now, we are signing off. Thanks for visiting, God Bless Everybody and keep visiting a2z infomatics.