Mistakes happens themselves, nobody makes them intentionally, in some cases they happens due to lack of the knowledge. Today, we are here to discuss about the same mistakes, the bloggers makes due to lack of any information. Actually, life is too short to learn from the mistakes we made, always try to avoid as many as possible, particularly the mistakes, for which the information is easily available. To tell you the truth, we too had made many mistakes in our early days. The same we are going to share with our readers today, as we don’t want anybody to repeat those silly mistakes in their blogging journey. This actually is for all the new bloggers, to know the reality, prior to starting a blog.
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Things Every New Blogger Needs to Know Before Starting a Blog
Nobody is waiting for your Blog to Arrive.
At the start, due to the over confidence, we thought that the people will wait for our next post. Unfortunately, thats never happened and we have to manually remind the people about the blog, using various promotion mediums. There were times, when we haven’t received a single hit on the fresh posts for 4-5 days. Luckily, it’s not happening now a days, we are getting the hits within the first hour, on our fresh / new posts 🙂 . Don’t feel stressed if this happens with you, take it as a part of this blogging game.
Every Little thing normally takes a lot of Time.
Getting the much needed organic traffic, building social media fans / followers, admission into the advertising networks etc, actually consumes a lot of time, than what we have thought in the start. Checking the blog stats 60 times in an hour will never help you to process it faster. You always have to understand, patience is the only key to success in this blogging world. Give it some time, remember everybody has passed through this phase, it’s now your turn.
Search Engines are ridiculous at spotting the good, genuine content.
If the search engine’s bots were the persons, we have categorized them into the most foolish users of our blog. We never understood, how the post written in hours by using the complete research about the topic, never getting indexed or not getting any top position, while the posts created within 10 minutes using the rewriting tools are acquiring the top positions and enjoying the loads of traffic.
When there is no interest to write OR post.
Have you heard about the writer’s block ? It’s a time period where you will not feel to write or publish anything. In these situations, having a co-author can help you to a large extent. Actually, you can expect the required motivation from the co-author of the blog, to continue the work at that time period. In addition to this, you can also plan to have some additional post ready for these circumstances. You always have to understand, regular flow of posts is an essential part for the growth of the blog and to interact with the visitors.
Myths about the Fellow Bloggers, actually they always help.
Although, every blogger is competing here for the same traffic, but in the background they are helping each other. Linking to the other’s content, liking or following different social activities are some clear signals which indicates the intention of the fellow bloggers. Believe or not, directly or indirectly bloggers are helping each other. At the times when anybody is down on their spirits, this help can put the smile back on the faces and may prove the biggest needed motivation to continue the blogging activities.
Blogging World is full of Surprises.
In between the 3 years of our blogging journey, there were many good and many bad experiences on the way. We were disturbed, when the search engines haven’t shown their interest to our content. We were shocked, when our blog got hacked by somebody. There were the moments of JOY too, when some of our posts positioned themselves on the first page of the search engine giant, GOOGLE. In simple words, blogging career is full of surprises, you cant guess if the good or the bad one’s are coming on the way of your blogging journey. Just take it as a routine process of blogging, don’t think if that’s happening with you only, it’s happening with each and every blogger on this planet.
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Not to ignore the Front End before Starting a Blog.
This is the biggest mistake which the majority of the new bloggers are doing throughout their blogging journey. In this blogging arena, the content is the king, everybody knows this very well. What about the appearance of the content? Actually that’s the queen for your king 🙂 . In simple words, the themes, fonts, widgets positioning etc matters a lot for the success of the blog. To tell you the truth, in our early days, we too have ignored the front end (themes etc) at our blog, only concentrated on the back end (content). Only after one of our post get published to a well reputed website with great appearance, we realize that how much more awesome the “piece of text” looked. From that moment, we thought about concentrating on the front end too, the process is still under process 🙂 . We are planning to reinvent our blog using any best theme, you may see some posts related to the same very shortly on our blog. Who knows, if we had concentrated on the front end from the beginning, our blog have performed far better than this.
Understanding the difference between Rejection and Ignorance.
Important things happens for every here and there, throughout the blogging journey. We are still figuring it out, if we had ignored or rejected the importance of the front end to our blog success. Actually, ignoring something is natural and we always have the option to adopt that anytime. On the other side, rejecting anything without making any complete research is not acceptable by any mean, it simply remove the thing completely, from the toolkit of blogging success. If we take the importance of the SEO (search engine optimization) into this, many bloggers are ignoring that right now, they know that they are ignoring that and hence not getting the desired results, sooner or later they are going to think about applying the SEO to their blog. One thing is for sure, nobody can afford to reject the same 🙂 . We hope you have understood the main point here, never reject anything until there are sufficient strong point in favor of rejection. Always remember that a stopped watch too, gives the correct time for at least 2 times in a day 🙂 .
After Content, You are the KING.
Never underestimate yourself, don’t try to copy any fellow blogger, specially the text 🙂 . Just call the creative skills inside you and the search engines will love the text written using these hidden creative skills. Always and always write for the readers, not for the search engines, who knows if you get more direct hits than the organic one’s, using these recommendations 🙂 . Prior to Starting a Blog, make sure that you have the same mind set.
Final Words.
These are the main things which everybody wants to know, prior to starting a blog. Believe us, If anybody keeps all the things in their mind before starting a blog, chances are very strong for the success of their blog. You may ask your’s points, to clear any of the doubts in your mind, related to the same under the comments secton below. Do share this post with any of your friend, planning to start his / her new blog, this is a must read “piece of text” for all newbie bloggers. Good Luck to all the new bloggers in advance, we just wish for their success. God Bless Everybody.