CCC Previous Year Question Paper (True/False) Set-T: Here we comes with another CCC Solved True / False Question Paper under the CCC study material. Beleive or not, once you go through with all the CCC practice sets published here, you can easily be able to crack the CCC exam at your’s first attempt. Best of luck in advance.

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Ques 1. Word art is a drawing object that is available in all office application, including word. (True / False)
Ques 2. USB ports connect special types of musical instruments to sound cards. (True / False)
Ques 3. Multimedia software helps you carry out tasks such as typing a document or creating a spreadsheet. (True / False)
Ques 4. Mainframe computers are the fastest and most expensive computers. (True / False)
Ques 5. A kilo byte is 1,024 bytes. (True / False)
Ques 6. A string of 160s and 1S is called a byte. (True / False)
Ques 7. DOS use FAT16 file system. (True / False)
Ques 8. HTML is also called hypertext markup language. (True / False)
Ques 9. Point to point connection, more than two devices can share a single link. (True / False)
Ques 10. Landscape is a printing from under page layouts; it is used to print sideways on the page. (True / False)
Ques 11. Spiders are the computer programs that are used by search engines to roam the world wide web in the internet. (True / False)
Ques 12. A program that manage all other programs in a computer is called operating system. (True / False)
Ques 13. Insert table button allows you to create a table that is a maximum of five rows, you can press the Enter key when you get to the end of row five and a new row will be added at the end of the table. (True / False)
Ques 14. RAM is a volatile memory. (True / False)
Ques 15. .JPG is an extension of an audio file. (True / False)
Ques 16. Indexing is the processing of a document re presentation by assigning content descriptions or terms to the document. (True / False)
Ques 17. Deleting your browsing history does not delete your list of favourites or subscribed feeds. (True / False)
Ques 18. If the favorites bar is not displayed just to the left of your Internet Explorer browser tabs, Press ctrl + shift + I or Alt + c key together to open the favourite centre. (True / False)
Ques 19. Access to data stored on magnetic tape is random. (True / False)
Ques 20. .ini refers to a system file. (True / False)

Ques 21. The user files and application are loaded in the base memory. (True / False)
Ques 22. Data can be a number, a word, a picture or a sound. (True / False)
Ques 23. Clicking on an icon with the mouse is a form of giving an instruction of the computer. (True / False)
Ques 24. Output devices store instructions or data that the CPU processes. (True / False)
Ques 25. To setup up a power point presentation to repeat until stopped is called looping. (True / False)
Ques 26. Auto format allows the user to change the types of grid lines, borders and even colors used in a table. (True / False)
Ques 27. A unit of a computer system that interprets instructions and executes them is called processor. (True / False)
Ques 28. IP address size of IPV 4 is 4 byte. (True / False)
Ques 29. Full form of ‘e-commerce’ is Electronic Commerce. (True / False)
Ques 30. You can cut or copy and paste a table to another location in a document, just as you would text. (True / False)
Ques 31. In 1972 @ was choosen to be used in email address. (True / False)
Ques 32. Background color or picture applied from format >> background is not printed. (True / False)
Ques 33. Using view option you can perform editing functions such as cut, copy, paste, find and replace etc. (True / False)
Ques 34. Using the edit option you can switch over from normal mode to outline mode. (True / False)
Ques 35. Using insert menu you can insert various objects such as page numbers, footnotes picture frames extra. (True / False)
Ques 36. Using tools menu you can access to various utilities of word such as well check, macros and mail merge etc. (True / False)
Ques 37. Window menu allows you to work with two documents simultaneously. (True / False)
Ques 38. Work tables cannot be created from a database, worksheet, or by converting existing paragraphs of text. (True / False)
Ques 39. The issues of protecting data from unauthorised use tempering, destruction are collectively use, referred to as security issues. (True / False)
Ques 40. Unsolicited commercial e-mail is called spams. (True / False)

Ques 41. Only one standard design can be maintained in slide master. (True / False)
Ques 42. Firewall is not useful for preventing unauthorised users from accessing internal networks. (True / False)
Ques 43. CGI is an accepted standard for interfacing web servers and external applications. (True / False)
Ques 44. The part of a computer system that enables human operators to communicate with the computer is called console. (True / False)
Ques 45. .MP3 is a sound format. (True / False)
Ques 46. For sound recording speaker is necessary. (True / False)
Ques 47. User name and domain name are two parts of an email address. (True / False)
Ques 48. To Delete unknown email attachments because the person could track you down and hurt you. (True / False)
Ques 49. The correct sequence of events to remove a spreadsheet from a workbook is go to file- save as- save as type- excel 4.0 worksheet. (True / False)
Ques 50. Number of emails sent minus the number of bonuces and filtered messages is called delivered email. (True / False)
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