CCC Online Certificate Course 2021, Exam / Result, Admit Card, Syllabus, Eligibility Criteria, Schedule, Howto / Instructions, Important Details and Facts.

What is CCC Online Certificate / Course / Exam ?
Due to the Recommendations made by NTF (National Task Force) on Information Technology and Software Development, the computer literacy program of society has been formed . CCC (Course on Computer Concepts), Computers literacy program is developed to concentrate at providing a standard level IT skill for the common population. This CCC Online Certificate Course / Program has basically been planned with a concept of providing an opportunity to the common individual to acquire computers literacy and thus making contributions to enhanced and quick PC incursion in a variety of walks in his / her life. After finishing the course the individual will be able to use the computers for standard purposes, like preparing personal / professional letters, surfing the web to find any needful information, familiar with receiving and sending emails, generating business demonstrations, creating limited databases etc. This course (CCC) will surely help the compact business communities, house-wives, etc. to manage their small accounting records utilizing the computers and take pleasure in the fantastic world of Information Technology. CCC (Course on Computer Concepts), for that reason, structured to be even more practical oriented.
Detailed / ChapterWise SYLLABUS for CCC Certificate Exam 2021.
Latest DOEACC / NIELIT CCC Course Syllabus 2021 | Examination Pattern
Duration of CCC Certificate Course.
Typically the CCC COURSE duration is eighty (80) hours in total.
- Theory: Twenty-Five (25) hours.
- Practical: Fifty (50) hours.
- Tutorial: Five (5) hours.
Eligibility Criteria for CCC Certificate Course.
The applicants can appear in the CCC Certificate Examination either via NIELIT authorized institutions which are qualified to undertake CCC Certificate Course and having acquired Registration number / E-Provisional number or perhaps as Direct candidate regardless of any educational skills / qualifications.
Minimum Age to APPLY for CCC Certificate Exam.
Mainly because CCC is a training course on computer admiration, generally there is no minimum or perhaps maximum age range limitations for enrolling for CCC Certificate Examination.
How-to Register / Apply for CCC Certificate Examination.
The individuals can register / apply for the CCC Certificate Examination by using ONLINE option ONLY. The individual can submit an application for the CCC Certificate Examination thru CCC Online Examination Form and Online Fee Submission Facility provided here by NIELIT (Official CCC Certificate Examination Authority).
CCC Certificate Examination FEES.
Examination Fees for CCC Course Certificate: Rs 500 + applicable GST
Payment Accepted Methods: NEFT / RTGS / CSC-SPV.
Online Payment options for CCC Course Examination Fees: Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking.
Note: If you are unable to pay the CCC Course Examination Fees within the allotted schedule, you can also submit CCC exam fees after the due date with a nominal late fee fine.
CCC Certificate Examination Schedule.
Good News for CCC Applicants 🙂 , CCC Certificate Exam has been scheduled to held monthly (First Saturday of the respective month).
Note: CCC Study Material Available Now.
CCC Certificate Online Registration / Fees Submission Schedule.
The rough schedule for ccc online registration / fee submission is before 30 to 60 days of the ccc examination. For better understandings, Suppose you are willing to REGISTER for December 2021 CCC Certificate Exam. In this case, Online Registration / Fees Submission Schedule will be between 1st October 2021 – 31th October 2021. We hope, the above clarification has cleared all the doubts related to CCC Online Registration Schedule.
How to Download CCC Certificate Exam Admit Card.
Actually, this is very simple. Just follow the steps below and you will be with your CCC Exam Admit Card.
- Visit Official CCC Exam Admit Card link here.
- Now, in the side menu (RIGHT), look for the option “Download Admit Card” and click it.
- Look for the link “Course on Computer Concepts (CCC)” under “IT Literacy Programme” heading in the middle of the page. Click the link to get inside the CCC Exam Admit Card download page.
- Now, Select the month cycle of your CCC Exam from the dropdown list, supply the application number (provided at the time of the registration) and your DOB in (dd-Mon-yyyy) format. You also need to enter the Captcha Code given there to prove you are a Human not any BOT.
- That’s it, Click the view button to download your CCC Exam Admit Card.
Unable to Download / View CCC Certificate Exam Admit Card.
Don’t Panic, Just email CCC Exam Team and they will be in your service within 24-36 hours. You can connect to the CCC Certificate Exam Support using their official email: OR getting CCC Certificate Exam Support via phone at 011-24369087.
For your convenience below is the sample text for the email, you need to send to the CCC Exam Support Staff in case if you are unable or getting problems to download CCC Exam Admit Card.
Hi CCC Support Staff,
I am unable to download my admit card for “enter month here” exam as a Direct / Institute candidate.My application number is: “Your Application No, provided at the time of Registration. Like- GOCCC1234567.
Date of Birth is: 01-Jan-1990. (Replace with your’s)Please help as earliest as possible as the exam date is getting closer and closer.
Thanks for the support in advance.Candidate Name here.
Regional Centres for CCC Certificate Course.
Check complete statewise list of CCC certificate regional centres here. (Source: NIELIT’s)
Important Details about CCC Certificate Course / Examination.
- Official CCC Website –
- CCC Certificate Official link –
- CCC Email –
Instructions / Howto to check CCC Certificate Examination RESULT.
- Go to the official CCC Certificate Result Page here.
- Click “View result” under “Download Admit Card” Section.
- Once you get there on the CCC Results page, Provide requested information like examination name, roll no, DOB etc etc and check CCC Examination Result.
We wish that you have passed out the CCC exam with “A” Grade, 🙂 .
Instructions / Howto to download CCC Online Certificate by Doeacc / NIELIT.
- Go to the official Download CCC Certificate Page here.
- Select Course on Computer (CCC) and supply all the requested Information.
- To VERIFY code via email OR sms, You have to provide valid email or any mobile number to get the OTP (one time password).
- Thats it, CCC Certificate will be ready for downloading very shortly.
For the Easy Understandings of the Visitors, Below is the Complete Video Tutorial about:
How to Download DOEACC CCC – NIELIT CCC Certificate in PDF.
- CCC online Certificate will be in PDF format.
- You can download your CCC Certificate for only 3 times. So save / keep the soft and hard copy of your CCC Certificate at some safe place.
- Validation of Digital Signature on CCC Online Certificate STEPS.
Important: With effect from 10th October 2011, DOEACC is Rechristened as NIELIT (National Institute of Electronics & Information Technolgy).
Some Important Facts about CCC Certificate Examination.
- No documents or Identity proof is required while Registration for CCC Certificate Examination, nor to be send to NIELIT Centre.
- Examination fees for CCC Certification can be made online through credit / debit cards, netbanking OR NEFT Transfer OR CSC-SPV.
- As registration for CCC Certificate Exam is duly ONLINE, No need to send anything anywhere.
- There is only 1 paper for CCC Certificate, 100 Objective type question carrying 1 mark each. You only need to get 50% marks to get qualified for getting your CCC Certificate. The CCC Examination will always be in online mode.
- Time duration for CCC Certificate Examination is 90 minutes. You don’t even have to worry about negative marking.
- Usually, the examination centres allotted to applicants is in accordance to their choices (city) at the time of online registration, In addition, NIELIT have reserved the rights to allot any other exam centre if there is no seat available at exam centres chosen by the applicant.
- Yes, You can apply again and again in as many as “different” CCC Exam cycles.
- Your CCC Certificate Exam ADMIT card will be provided to you again by ONLINE-MODE. The only bad news 🙁 is that, NIELIT will never entertain any correction request. We here want to suggest you to fill your ccc online registration form very carefully.
- Normally, the result for ccc certificate exam is announced within 20 days from the examination completion date. You an check your results at NIELIT’s Website under RESULTS section.
- Qualified individual will get their CCC Certificate in digital (pdf) format. Only the qualified individuals will be able to download their “digitally signed CCC e-certificates” after providing the requested information there.
CCC Study Material, like CCC Question Answers, CCC Practice Sets, CCC Sample Papers, CCC Model Test Papers and CCC Previous Papers are available now. Please bookmark us for your convenience / future reference.

After UPTET Examination Information, This was another attempt by a2z infomatics team to provide near to accurate information related to CCC Online Certificate Exam. We guess many of the visitors has found this helpful. Please share any of your views about this particular piece of information OR complete a2z infomatics’s website under the “comments section” below.
Dear sir
My name is RAJMAN. i lost my ccc certificate. I suggest me how to redownload my ccc certicate. And i forget my roll no. and name of examination. Pls give me a information on my mob. No. 9871068674
a very good website.
Download from
Dear sir
My name is TEJAS. i lost my ccc certificate. I suggest me how to redownload my ccc certicate. And i forget my roll no. and name of examination. Pls give me a information on my mob. No. 8600497274
The Online Application Form is available online on the Official Website. The step by step procedure to fill in the Online Form is given below. Before filling the ccc online registration, candidates must read the instructions set first if they fit the eligibility criteria or not.
How many days after the exam the certificate is issued and available to be downloaded by the candidate?
Please reply