Note: This CCC True/False Question Answer Paper (SET-D) consist of total 50 questions with the answers highlighted in BOLD-RED. You can anytime check the complete answer keys for this CCC true false question paper at page no 2 of this post.
CCC True / False Questions with Answers – CCC Sample Practice / Model Test Paper SET D.

Ques 1- If you enter 55A in a cell it will be treated as a number because it starts with a digit. (True/False)
Ques 2- When you clear the contents of cell, all the contents and formats of the cell are deleted. (True/False)
Ques 3- The AVERAGE() function works as combination of SUM() and COUNT() functions. (True/False)
Ques 4- Digital computer are used for analysing, storing data, making calculations and controlling machinery. (True/False)
Ques 5- Computers with tremendous processing, storage, display and remote communications capabilities are available on desktop and palmtop models. (True/False)
Ques 6- Despite the increasing popularity of computers, there are many misconceptions about them. (True/False)
Ques 7- Computers are fast machines but inaccurate. (True/False)
Ques 8- The processors today are very powerful with capabilities to process up to tens of million of instructions per second. (True/False)
Ques 9- The intelligent terminals of a large system are basically input/output devices which do not process data. (True/False)
Ques 10- If the company’s various activities are all integrated by information through computer Network then it is called Enterprise-Wide-Networking. (True/False)

Ques 11- “In Word, you can change the character spacing from the toolbar.” (True/False)
Ques 12- “e-commerce consists primarily of the distributing, buying, selling, marketing and servicing of products or services over electronic system such as the Internet.” (True/False)
Ques 13- Word template does not include style formatting. (True/False)
Ques 14- The Blank Web page template of Word contains pre-formatted or pre-designed options. (True/False)
Ques 15- The Word organiser does not copy the Auto-text entries. (True/False)
Ques 16- Different cells with in a row can have different heights. (True/False)
Ques 17- The AutoFit to contents enables Word to widen or narrow columns based on the contents you insert in Insert Table. (True/False)
Ques 18- Print Preview of Word does not allow you to do any editing. (True/False)
Ques 19- “From the Mail Merge Helper dialog box, you can only open an existing data source but cannot create a new one.” (True/False)
Ques 20- The name box is at the left end of the formula bar. (True/False)
Ques 21- The intelligent terminals of a large system are basically input/output devices which do not process data. (True/False)
Ques 22- If the company’s various activities are all integrated by information through computer network then it is called Enterprise-Wide-Networking. (True/False)
Ques 23- Individual computers together from the Integrated Computer System. (True/False)
Ques 24- A SuperComputer is the most powerful computer. These machines are built to process huge amount of information and to do so very slowly. (True/False)
Ques 25- You can swap over the functionality of the left and right mouse buttons. (True/False)
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Ques 26- PowerPoint has more than twenty four slide layouts. (True/False)
Ques 27- Bullets are numbering appears in the standard toolbar. (True/False)
Ques 28- The Cell/range names are case sensitive. (True/False)
Ques 29- Previewing a worksheet is similar to previewing a chart. (True/False)
Ques 30- Clicking on the Print Preview button opens up the Page Set-up dialog box. (True/False)
Ques 31- A worksheet consists of 65,536 rows and 256 columns. (True/False)
Ques 32- The intersections of rows and columns form cells. (True/False)
Ques 33- A$4 is an example of relative referencing. (True/False)
Ques 34- A Pie chart has 3 axis. (True/False)
Ques 35- The need to count was developed only a few years ago, following the development of the computer. (True/False)
Ques 36- Maintaining an accurate control of inventory was a problem faced by shepherds in accident times. (True/False)
Ques 37- The computer presents no threat of impresonalization in a business of personal transaction. (True/False)
Ques 38- Computer personnel require no special training. (True/False)
Ques 39- Volume represents how often data is needed and received from the computer. (True/False)
Ques 40- MS Power Point is a Spread sheet program. (True/False)
Ques 41- When you start PowerPoint, it automatically displays a blank presentation. (True/False)
Ques 42- You can demote text by pressing [Shift] + [Tab]. (True/False)
Ques 43- In the Outline and Slides pane, you can display either slide thumbnails or outline text but not both. (True/False)
Ques 44- You can edit text in Normal view or in the Outline pane. (True/False)
Ques 45- Animation effects appears in the Standard toolbar. (True/False)
Ques 46- Hybrid computer is a mixture of both digital and analog computers. (True/False)
Ques 47- “When you create a formula that contains a function, the Insert Function dialog box helps you enter worksheet functions.” (True/False)
Ques 48- You can enlarge the sheet upto 500% while printing. (True/False)
Ques 49- [Ctrl] + [End} moves the last cell containing contents in the worksheet in Excel. (True/False)
Ques 50- Docx is the extension of MS-Excel. (True/False)
Note: Answers for CCC True False Questions on NEXT Page (Page no 2 of this POST).