Note: This CCC True/False Question Answer Paper (SET-C) consist of total 50 questions with the answers highlighted in BOLD-RED. You can anytime check the complete answer keys for this CCC true false question paper at page no 2 of this post.
CCC Sample Question Answers Paper for Practice ( True / False), SET-C.

Ques 1- Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science that attempts to create machines that will emulate the human thought process. (True/False)
Ques 2- Macintosh computers use the macintosh operating system (Mac OS), whereas PCs generally run Microsoft Windows as an operating system. (True/False)
Ques 3- A process known as data mining tracks trends and allow retailers to respond to consumer selling patterens. (True/False)
Ques 4- VisiCalc is a spreadsheet software. (True/False)
Ques 5- It is possible to select non-contiguous cells for formatting in Excel. (True/False)
Ques 6- Sheet! A1 : C1 is an invalid range address. (True/False)
Ques 7- To select an entire column of an Excel spreadsheet, it is required to click on the cell located in the first of the corresponding column. (True/False)
Ques 8- You can add a new sheet to the workbook by using worksheet command on the Insert menu. The new worksheet is inserted in front of the current sheet. (True/False)
Ques 9- Microsoft Excel ignores manual page breaks when you use the Fit to option of the page Set-up. (True/False)
Ques 10- Styles can be used to generate a table of contents quickly in Word. (True/False)

Ques 11- Animation effects appears in the Standard toolbar. (True/False)
Ques 12- BIOS stands for basic Integrated Operating System. (True/False)
Ques 13- LENGTH() function is used to find the length of the string. (True/False)
Ques 14- The floating text (text not associated with objects in the chart) cannot be moved in the chart area. (True/False)
Ques 15- “Just as you can preview a worksheet before printing, it is not possible to preview a chart.” (True/False)
Ques 16- “To insert a header or footer in a worksheet, select Header and Footer option in the file menu.”. (True/False)
Ques 17- You can add items to the Start menu of Windows. (True/False)
Ques 18- FAT means File allocation table. (True/False)
Ques 19- A system that can process two or more programs is called Multiprogramming. (True/False)
Ques 20- Step by Step instructions is called Software. (True/False)
Ques 21- The process of writing such program instructions for an analyzed problem is called coding. (True/False)
Ques 22- A Software that convert a high level language program to binary is Assembler. (True/False)
Ques 23- Present day computers work (internally) with decimal numbers. (True/False)
Ques 24- A computer system can be split into input, processing and output. (True/False)
Ques 25- Digital systems do not handle information in digital form. (True/False)
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Ques 26- Most telephone exchanges are computerized. (True/False)
Ques 27- To overall functions of the O.S. are to manage I/O, files and memory. (True/False)
Ques 28- Internet is a network of Computer Networks. (True/False)
Ques 29- Firmware is software that is embedded in a hardware device. (True/False)
Ques 30- Primary memory has higher storage capacity than secondary memory. (True/False)
Ques 31- Pressing F1 is a common way to invoke help in Windows. (True/False)
Ques 32- “To select an entire document in Word, move the pointer to the left of any document text until it changes to a right-pointing arrow, and then double-click.” (True/False)
Ques 33- [Ctrl] + [U] selects the italics style for the selected text. (True/False)
Ques 34- A blank line is also called as a paragraph. It is called as an empty paragraph. (True/False)
Ques 35- [Del] key deletes the text to the left of the insertion point. (True/False)
Ques 36- Word includes a number of AutoCorrect entries. We can use these entries but cannot modify them. (True/False)
Ques 37- You can create your own dictionaries in Word. (True/False)
Ques 38- “When you create a formula that contains a function, the Insert Function dialog box helps you enter worksheet functions.” (True/False)
Ques 39- A network that connects buildings within a city is called a MAN. (True/False)
Ques 40- A WAN can benefit a company by allowing workers to share equipment like printers and file servers. (True/False)
Ques 41- The topology of a network is the arrangement of the computers within it. (True/False)
Ques 42- The more computer systems are becoming easy-to-use with their agronomical designs and user friendly Software. (True/False)
Ques 43- Microcomputer systems may be used in homes as well as offices. (True/False)
Ques 44- Word processing operations are restricted to the computerizations of clerical task and do not permit output distribution throughout an organisation. (True/False)
Ques 45- Microcomputers are not programmed like conventional computers. (True/False)
Ques 46- Minicomputers are task oriented. (True/False)
Ques 47- Electronic watches and calculators use digital ICs. (True/False)
Ques 48- Cancel button on the formula bar can be used to undo a cell entry after it has been completed. (True/False)
Ques 49- In Excel a formula entry start with an equal to sign. (True/False)
Ques 50- RAM is a Temporary memory. (True/False)
Note: Answers for CCC True False Questions on NEXT Page (Page no 2 of this POST).