CCC Question and Answers ( True / False). SET-A.

Note: This CCC True/False Question Answer Paper (SET-A) consist of total 50 questions with the answers highlighted in BOLD- RED. You can anytime check the complete answer keys at page no 2 of this post.
Ques 1- Animation effects appears in the Standard toolbar. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 2- Hybrid computer is a mixture of both digital and analog computers. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 3- “When you create a formula that contains a function, the Insert Function dialog box helps you enter worksheet functions”. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 4- You can enlarge the sheet upto 500% while printing. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 5- “To insert a header or footer in a worksheet, select Header and Footer option in the file menu”. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 6- You can search for a file in Windows even if you know only part of the file name. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 7- “When you hide a slide it remains in your file , even though it is hidden when you run the presentation”. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 8- The Auto Content Wizard creates the structure and contents based on the choices you make.
Ques 9- “If your text exceeds the size of the placeholder, Microsoft Power Point reduces the font size and line spacing incrementally as you type, to make the text fit”. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 10- Change case command is used to change the capitalization of a sentence. (TRUE/FALSE)

Ques 11- You can print slides for overhead projector transparencies. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 12- FROM allows faster reading and writing of data. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 13- Unix is a single user operating system. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 14- Operating system acts as an interface between user and the hardware. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 15- Two methods used in packet switching are data gram and virtual reality. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 16- E-mail is elegant mail. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 17- The rules used for the simplicity of software is protocol. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 18- A set of instructions is a program. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 19- CSMA/CD is a data access method of LAN. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 20- Parallel data transmission is much faster than serial transmission. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 21- Counters are digital circuit for temporary storage of data. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 22- The main computer in a network is called PARAM. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 23- DOS is an example of GUI. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 24- An active document is copy of a program retrieved by the client and run at the server site.
Ques 25- Web browsers are also used for Net surfing, which is cruising on the Internet, looking for interreting sites to visit. (TRUE/FALSE)
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Ques 26- A dynamic web document is created by a server only at a browser’s request. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 27- Cookies stores information about the web pages you visit in server’s computer.(TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 28- A kilobyte is approximately 1,000 bytes. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 29- Input devices are used to provide the steps and tasks the computer needs to process data, and these steps and tasks are called instructions. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 30- A computer gathers data, processes it, outputs the data or information, and does not store the data or information. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 31- The binary language consists of two digits 1 and 4. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 32- A string of eight(8) 0s and 1s is called a byte. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 33- The devices you use to enter data into a computer system are known as output devices.
Ques 34- The devices on a computer system that let you see the processed information are known as input devices. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 35- Software is the set of computer instructions or programs that enables the hardware to perform different tasks. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 36- Last column of the worksheet window is IV. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 37- Comma style is also known as Hundred separator. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 38- Date and Time data are treated as number in Excel. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 39- By default text entries are right aligned in cells of a worksheet. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 40- Netscape Messenger is the e-mail client packaged with Netscape Communicator 4.0.
Ques 41- Usenet and Internet are the same thing. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 42- The data to be drawn as a chart cannot be selected after the chart wizard is started.
Ques 43- Word Templates have .dot extension. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 44- Microcomputer is called micro because it consists of micro-processor. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 45- The opera was the first and strongest Text-based Browser to the Internet. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 46- The Internet is a network that carries messages, while the World Wide Web represents only the portion of the network that uses special codes to permit the exchange of text, graphics, audio and video. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 47- TCP/IP specifications were published as open standards, meaning that they are not allowed by any company or government. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 48- Current version of most of the browsers try to block Web SItes that attempt to invade user’s privacy. (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 49- “As long as you have your product key, you can reinstall Windows XP using any CD, even one you borrow from a friend or neighbour.” (TRUE/FALSE)
Ques 50- Hybrid computer is a mixture of both digital and analog computers. (TRUE/FALSE)
Note: Answers Keys / Sheet for CCC True False Questions on NEXT Page (Page no 2 of this POST).