CCC Question Paper with Answers (True / False SET-G) – CCC Previous Year Sample Practice / Model Test Paper SET G.

CCC Exam Online Question Paper with Answers SET-G (True/False)
Note: This CCC True/False Question Answer Paper (SET-G) consist of total 50 questions with the answers highlighted in BOLD-RED. You can anytime check the complete answer keys for this CCC true false question paper at page no 2 of this post.
Ques 1- A blog is a website where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order. (True/False)
Ques 2- You can create a numbered list as you type by typing I, adding your text, and pressing ENTER. (True/False)
Ques 3- On most computer, the default font size in Word is 16. (True/False)
Ques 4- If a word is typed that is not in Word’s dictionary, a red wavy underline appears below the word. (True/False)
Ques 5- You can save an existing word in the Dictionary. (True/False)
Ques 6- Hard disk drives and CD drives are examples of storage devices. (True/False)
Ques 7- You would use application software to create spreadsheets, type documents, and edit photos. (True/False)
Ques 8- Mainframes are computers that cannot support hundreds or thousands of users simultaneously. (True/False)
Ques 9- Identity theft is the term given to the act of stealing someone’s identity and running their credit rating. (True/False)
Ques 10- Most computer related errors are the result of improperly prepared data. (True/False)

Ques 11- The efficiency of the computer provides management with tighter control over a business. (True/False)
Ques 12- Instructions given in a program do not define any actions for the computer. (True/False)
Ques 13- All data processing systems must provide for the input, processing and output of data. (True/False)
Ques 14- Un-welcomed e-mail is called spam. (True/False)
Ques 15- Instant messaging and chat groups are the same. (True/False)
Ques 16- To participate in a chat group you must select a channel or topic, and communicate live with others by typing words on your computer. (True/False)
Ques 17- You can draw objects in a presentation by using the design toolbar. (True/False)
Ques 18- To create a new worksheet, select worksheet from the file menu. (True/False)
Ques 19- In a multi-page document, the dotted line that extends on a page is called as soft page break. (True/False)
Ques 20- Web-based e-mail accounts do not require passwords. (True/False)
Ques 21- You can delete e-mails from a Web-Based e-mail account. (True/False)
Ques 22- You can store Web-Based e-mail message in online folders. (True/False)
Ques 23- You cannot send a file from a Web-based e-mail account. (True/False)
Ques 24- Your e-mail address must be unique. (True/False)
Ques 25- You can sign up for the Web-based e-mail account without accepting the Web site’s terms and conditions. (True/False)
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Ques 26- You type the body of a reply the same way you would type the body of a new message. (True/False)
Ques 27- When you reply to a message, you need to enter the text in the Subject: field. (True/False)
Ques 28- You can only print one copy of a selected message. (True/False)
Ques 29- You cannot preview a message before you print it. (True/False)
Ques 30- The is only one way to print the message. (True/False)
Ques 31- When you include multiple addresses in a message, you should separate each address with a period (.). (True/False)
Ques 32- You cannot format text in an e-mail message. (True/False)
Ques 33- You must include a subject in any mail message you compose. (True/False)
Ques 34- You need to delete a contact and create a new one to change contact information. (True/False)
Ques 35- You must complete all fields in the contact form before you can save the contact. (True/False)
Ques 36- You cannot edit the contact forms. (True/False)
Ques 37- You should always open the attachments before saving it. (True/False)
Ques 38- A virtual private network establishes a virtual Internet network that consists of you, your customers, and suppliers. (True/False)
Ques 39- A satellite is a type of wired communications media. (True/False)
Ques 40- A private network is a network on which your organisation competes for time with others. (True/False)
Ques 41- The Internet has completely dethroned traditional media. (True/False)
Ques 42- The internet has had an impact on commerce. (True/False)
Ques 43- The request for comments (RFCs) core topics are Internet and the TCP/IP protocol suites. (True/False)
Ques 44- The back and forward buttons can be used to visit only pages from the same website. (True/False)
Ques 45- A protocol used for fetching e-mail from a mailbox is POP1. (True/False)
Ques 46- All conversations on the IRC are in English. (True/False)
Ques 47- The full form of ISP is information source provider. (True/False)
Ques 48- In Windows XP you can access all of your Windows program, system settings and documents by clicking on the Start menu. (True/False)
Ques 49- Linux can be considered as a type of UNIX operating system. (True/False)
Ques 50- Internet is the example of connectivity. (True/False)
Note: Answers for CCC True False Questions on NEXT Page (Page no 2 of this POST).