DOEACC / NIELIT CCC Previous Year Solved Question Paper SET-A with Answer Keys.

Note: Total 15 questions (ques no 36 to ques no 50) in this section.
Ques 36- The purpose of Auto Format command in Excel is to
Answer Options-
- (a) Create a professional and consistent look for your data.
- (b) “Choose between standard table formats that include borders, shading,font colours and other formatting options”.
- (c) Easily apply a consistent format throughout a workbook.
- (d) All of the above.
Ques 37- Which of the following statements about search engines and directories is true ?
Answer Options-
- (a) A search engine does not discriminate between good and bad sites.
- (b) A search engine displays all Web pages that contain your keywords and may list thousands of unordered results.
- (c) A directory is someone’s attempt to categorize the best sites available for a given subject or topic.
- (d) All of the above.
Ques 38- Most news readers present newsgroup articles in
Answer Options-
- (a) Threads.
- (b) Mail.
- (c) Column.
- (d) None of these.
Ques 39- Fiber optics have the advatage of………..
Answer Options-
- (a) Being cheaper to install.
- (b) Being easier to install than twisted wire.
- (c) Having no interference.
- (d) Using direct line-of-sight.
Ques 40- We can set up the margin for
Answer Options-
- (a) Headers.
- (b) Footers.
- (c) Both (a) and (b).
- (d) None of the above.
Ques 41- Windows distinguishes between the different drives by means of a naming convention. each drive is designated by a letter followed by –
Answer Options-
- (a) A colon.
- (b) An asterisk.
- (c) An exclamation point.
- (d) A semicolon.
Ques 42- Which of the following characters is allowed in a Windows file name of folder ?
Answer Options-
- (a) :
- (b) ?
- (c) _
- (d) >
Ques 43- Which of the following is a presentation graphics software ?
Answer Options-
- (a) MS-Windows.
- (b) MS-PowerPoint.
- (c) MS-Excel.
- (d) MS-Word.
Ques 44- “To be sure that your presentation will run on a different computer, you could bring ……….”
Answer Options-
- (a) Your Fonts.
- (b) A copy of PowerPoint to install.
- (c) A copy of Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer.
- (d) None of the above.
Ques 45- “If you import data and want to update the slide when the original data changes,you must ………”
Answer Options-
- (a) Embed the data.
- (b) Link the data.
- (c) Insert the data as an object.
- (d) Break the link.
Ques 46- Which of the following method can insert a new slide in current presentation ?
Answer Options-
- (a) Right click on the Slide panel and choose New Slide.
- (b) From Insert menu choose New Slide.
- (c) Click on New Slide button on toolbar.
- (d) All of the above.
Ques 47- Which of the following is not a part of Slide Design ?
Answer Options-
- (a) Design Template.
- (b) Color Scheme.
- (c) Animation Scheme.
- (d) Slide Layout.
Ques 48- Ctrl + U means-
Answer Options-
- (a) Undelete the previously deleted text.
- (b) Undo the last changes.
- (c) Underline the document name.
- (d) Underline the selected text.
Ques 49- What happens if you press Ctrl+Shift+F8 ?
Answer Options-
- (a) It activates extended selection
- (b) It activates the rectangular selection.
- (c) It selects the paragraph on which the insertion line is
- (d) None of the above
Ques 50- What is the shortcut key you can press to create a copyright symbol ?
Answer Options-
- (a) Ctrl + Shift + C
- (b) Ctrl + C
- (c) Alt + C
- (d) Alt + Ctrl + C
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yes poonam are you persuing for ccc this year ???
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Very excellent question for preparation.
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very most important question for ccc exam