CCC Online Test SET G – Demo Sample Practice Exam Series

CCC Online Test / CCC Demo Exam Series has already collected astonishing response from the readers of this blog. To tell you the truth, the positive response from the readers, for any content, always boost our energy levels. Here comes another addition (SET-G) to the CCC Online Test / Demo Exam Series. The DOEACC / NIELIT CCC, CCC+ (CCC Plus), BCC and ECC candidates will undoubtedly get benefited with these CCC demo practice SETS, in fact, these CCC online demo test SETS will  prove a success factor for all the CCC / CCC+ candidates. We bet, if anybody plan and prepare for the CCC / CCC + Online Exam using the CCC Study Material in accordance with the latest 2018 CCC Exam Syllabus, their wait for the CCC Certificate will end very shortly. Without wasting any more second, let’s check if you are ready to crack the CCC / CCC+ at your first attempt. Best of luck for the CCC Examination.

CCC Online Test Demo Sample Practice Exam Set G
CCC Online Test – Demo Sample Practice Exam Set-G.

DOEACC / NIELIT CCC Online Test SET G – CCC Sample Online Exam – Demo Model Test Paper with Instant Result and Answers.

This CCC Online Test / Exam (SET-G) consist of total 100 questions.

  • CCC MCQ’s / Objective Questions – ques no (1) to ques no (50).
  • CCC True False Questions – ques no (51) to ques no (100).

Note: Once you final submit the CCC Online Exam Set-G, the result with achieved grade will be provided with the correct answers along side on the result page.

Who can attempt the CCC Online Test / Demo Sample Practice Exam SET-G.

  • Candidates who had registered and preparing for the Next CCC Online Examination.
  • Candidates preparing for the CCC+ (CCC Plus), BCC and ECC Examination.
  • Candidates preparing for other important competition examinations.
  • Organisations / Institutions engaged in the training of CCC Exam / other Competition Exams can use this Sample Online Test to give their students a real feel of the main examination.
  • General public / students can attempt this CCC online demo exam to boost their computers knowledge base.

Important Instructions for DOEACC / NIELIT Demo CCC Online Test / Sample Practice Exam SET G.

  1. The CCC Demo / Sample online test paper consist of 100 questions (50 objective and 50 True / False questions).

  2. Each correct answer will carry 1 mark to the grand total with no negative marking.

  3. 50% (50 marks out of total 100 marks) are required to qualify for the Sample / Demo CCC Online Test Practice Exam SET-G.

  4. You can skip any question of your choice with a warning confirmation message to move forward, we recommend you to attempt every question to know you knowledge skills. There is no negative marking policy under the CCC main examination and this demo CCC Online Test / Practice Exam SET-G.

  5. There is no time limit for this Demo CCC Online Test, but you always have to understand that the main CCC examination has the time limit of 90 minutes to complete the exam.

  6. Once you complete the Demo CCC Online Test, the grand total and achieved grade will be shown on the next screen / page.

  7. All correct answers for the Demo CCC Online Test SET-G will be provided along with the final result, once you complete / final submit Demo CCC Online Exam SET-G.

  8. CCC candidates can attempt any SET of the CCC demo online tests practice exams for any number of time. In addition, these demo CCC online practice exams will always remain free at our website.

  9. At present, the Demo CCC Online Test SETS are available in English language, we are in process to release Demo CCC Online Test SETS / Sample Practice Online Exam series in Hindi and other languages very shortly.

Important Links for CCC (Course on Computer Concepts) Examination 2018.

Complete CCC Examination Information (How to CCC Certificate, Online Registration, Syllabus, Exam Date, Result, CCC Certificate Download)Click Here.

CCC Exam Study Material (Previous Year Papers, Sample Papers, Model Test Papers)- Click Here.

DOEACC / NIELIT CCC Online Test / Demo Sample Exam / Practice Test SET-G.

1. The first calculating machine in the world is –


2. The memory which is programmed at the time it is manufactured is-


3. UNIVAC is –


4. Bus Topology is also called-


5. You can select all the slides in the presentation by pressing the following key-


6. Offline device is-


7. Microprocessor was invented in-


8. The smallest unit of storage is –


9. An application can be opened through shortcut on desktop by –


10. A Laser printer uses –


11. How many scroll bars can be visible on the text area if your document is over 100% ?


12. LILO is called –


13. Which windows program do you use to manage folders and files ? 


14. Impact printer operates like a –


15. What does the disk drive of a computer do ?


16. Which of the following is the default view that allows you to see one slide at a time and edit it ?


17. The ……………… provides access to all active application by maintaining a row of open application title boxes.


18. The entire worksheet in Excel can be selected by-


19. Fastest unit of speed is –


20. UTP is called :


21. Windows explorer is a file management programs that you can use to –


22. A client program used to access the Internet services and resource available through the World Wide Web


23. What is the full form of DSL ?


24. If a computer on the network shares resources for others to use, it is called – 


25. What type of medium is infrared ?


26. main memory is –


27. ……………….. allows LAN users to share computer programs and data.


28. In which component of the computer you can see and touch ?


29. Print server uses ………………….. which is buffer that holds data before it is send to the printer.


30. Bluetooth is a type of radio wave information transmission system that is good for about ……………………


31. …………………… layer decides which physical pathway the data should take.


32. A gigabyte is equal to –


33. ISO stands for –


34. Which of the following should you do to bring a bullet back to previous level ?


35. FORTRAN is –


36. The handouts, speaker notes and outlines of a slide are the components that are used for ………………… purposes.


37. .wav and .mid are type of ………………. that can be added to PowerPoint presentation.


38. A ………………… is a network that connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area, such as a home, school computer laboratory or office building.


39. ADSL is also called ……………….


40. The ……………. effects are special types of effects that allows you to specify how you to navigate from one slide to the other.


41. Following is a type of Slide Animation –


42. ISDN is an example of ………………….. network.


43. What will allow you to select entire document ?


44. Undo is similar to –


45. ……………….. will first ask you if you are sure, you want to empty the contents of the clipboard.


46. A …………………. is an electronic page in a presentation.


47. In ……………….. topology, if a computer’s network cable is broken, whole network goes down.


48. ………………….. fonts have finishing strokes.


49. In a Slide master, footer area appears at –


50. Which of the following characters is allowed in a Windows file name or folder ?


51. Shortcut menus cannot create a link to that program.


52. The act of exploring the web is called surfing.


53. The landscape orientation prints the text length wise.


54. Change case command is used to change the capitalisation of a sentence.


55. We cannot change the contents of RAM.


56. We can recolour a Clip Art Object. 


57. A keyboard has approximately 101 to 105 keys.


58. When a folder is copied to another place, the subfolders in the folder also get copied.


59. The contents of a window can be scrolled by clicking the scroll bar.


60. Tim Berner’s-Lee is the “father” of the WWW.


61. A Local Area Network (LAN) is a network that contains servers across the world.


62. Both, Now() and Today() can be used to display the current time.


63. VDU is also an input device.


64. PROM is used as a primary storage device.


65. You cannot create a new folder on the desktop.


66. A chart is the best way to compare and show the relationship between two data items.


67. Repeater is circuits board or card that is installed in a computer so that it can be connected to network.


68. A table can be inserted in a PowerPoint slide only if MS-word is also installed.


69. While creating data source, field name can have as many as 40 characters.


70. The Enter key is present at the top of the keyboard.


71. Hard Disk can store more information than floppy disk.


72. Laser printer is the low quality printer.


73. A folder is a set of files and folders.


74. You can also open the Chart Wizard by clicking the chart icon on the Standard toolbar.


75. Slide show refers to a design theme that helps in defining the formatting and layout of all the elements used for creating a slide.


76. The number of rows in a worksheet is 36500.


77. When integrating Word and Excel, Word is usually the server.


78. Computer memory also works as an output device.


79. ready-made formulas are known as functions.


80. Folder is also called Directory.


81. You can provide the chart title in the Data Range section.


82. .jpg is an extension of an audio file.


83. The are total 12 function keys.


84. Word supports to add bold formatting to the text.


85. When you insert an Excel file into a Word document, the data are placed as an embedded object.


86. MS-Windows is an open source, GNU license operating system.


87. In MS-Word, multiple columns cannot be viewed in the page layout view.


88. “Even” and “Odd” pages in MS-Word can have different footers.


89. Text area is not a chart component.


90. A Firewall is not useful for preventing unauthorised users from accessing internal networks.


91. CPU is the heart of any computer system.


92. Registers are high speed memory.


93. Up arrow, Down arrow, Right arrow, Left arrow key is used to move to the first cell in the row.


94. PowerPoint is a part of Windows Operating System.


95. Ctrl + H is used to get help on topics related to PowerPoint.


96. The maximum slide showing is 9 per page Handouts.


97. Structured Charts are used in system analysis.


98. The main memory is categorised as ROM and RAM.


99. A Smart card contains a small processor that holds certain information.


100. Hyperlinks cannot be associated with pictures.


Question 1 of 100

Note: Click the Next button for the next question. There are total 100 question in this Practice CCC Online Demo Test SET-G. Once you click the final submit button, your CCC Online Test Results with Grade and Correct Answers will be displayed on the CCC online test result page.

Download CCC Online Test / CCC Demo – Sample Exam / Practice Test SET-G Questions in PDF Format.

All the questions compiled into this CCC Online Test SET-G demo exam are collected from the ccc previous year question papers, ccc sample papers, ccc model papers and various Top CCC exam preparation books. For any reason, If you wish to download the CCC exam questions with answers in PDF format, you can anytime visit CCC Question Answers or CCC Study Material section of our blog.

Note: This CCC Online Demo Exam (SET-G) has been compiled using the most important CCC questions, asked in the previous CCC online exams. We are in process to publish CCC Previous Year Question Papers / Model Test Papers / Sample Papers / Study Material in Hindi and other languages very shortly. You can bookmark us to remain updated with the latest CCC Exam News and Latest CCC Exam Preparation Study Material.

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