CCC Online Test SET F – Demo Sample Practice Exam Series

CCC Online Test Series is collecting unbelievable response / appreciation from the visitors all around the globe. Not only for the DOEACC / NIELIT CCC, CCC+ (CCC Plus), BCC and ECC candidates, these sample / demo online exams are proving success factor for other competition exam candidates too. Primarily, the CCC Online exam SETS are providing real feel of the main examination, on the other hand they are settling down the butterflies in exam candidate’s stomach, prior to any competitive examination. Here comes another addition (SET-F to the CCC Online Test Series, planning and preparing for the CCC / CCC + Online Exam using the CCC Study Material according to the latest 2018 CCC Exam Syllabus will simply boost your chances to acquire the CCC Certificate at your first CCC exam attempt. Best wishes for the studies and best of luck for the CCC Examination.

CCC Online Test Demo Sample Practice Exam Set F
CCC Online Test – Demo Sample Practice Exam Set-F.

DOEACC / NIELIT CCC Online Test SET F – CCC Sample Online Exam – Demo Model Test Paper with Instant Result and Answers.

This CCC Online Test / Exam (SET-F) consist of total 100 questions.

  • CCC MCQ’s / Objective Questions – ques no (1) to ques no (50).
  • CCC True False Questions – ques no (51) to ques no (100).

Note: Once you final submit the CCC Online Exam Set-F, the result with grade will be provided with the correct answers along side.

Who can attempt the CCC Online Test / Demo Sample Practice Exam SET-F.

  • Candidates who had registered and preparing for the Next CCC Online Examination.
  • Candidates preparing for the CCC+ (CCC Plus), BCC and ECC Examination.
  • Candidates preparing for other important competition examinations.
  • Organisations / Institutions engaged in the training of CCC Exam / other Competition Exams can use this Sample Online Test to give their students a real feel of the main examination.
  • General public / students can attempt this CCC online demo exam to boost their computers knowledge base.

Important Instructions for DOEACC / NIELIT Demo CCC Online Test / Sample Practice Exam SET F.

  1. The CCC Demo / Sample online test paper consist of 100 questions (50 objective and 50 True / False questions).

  2. Each correct answer will carry 1 mark to the grand total with no negative marking.

  3. 50% (50 marks out of total 100 marks) are required to qualify for the Sample / Demo CCC Online Test Practice Exam SET-F.

  4. You can skip any question of your choice with a warning confirmation to move forward, we recommend you to attempt every question to know you knowledge skills. There is no negative marking policy under the CCC main examination and this demo CCC Online Test / Practice Exam SET-F.

  5. There is no time limit for this Demo CCC Online Test, but always remember that the main CCC examination has the time limit of 90 minutes to complete the exam.

  6. Once you complete the Demo CCC Online Test, the grand total and achieved grade will be shown on the next screen / page.

  7. All correct answers for the Demo CCC Online Test SET-F will be provided along with the final result, once you complete / final submit Demo CCC Online Exam SET-F.

  8. CCC candidates can attempt any SET of the CCC demo online tests practice exams for any number of time. In addition, these demo CCC online practice exams will always remain free at our website.

  9. At present, the Demo CCC Online Test SETS are available in English language, we are in process to release Demo CCC Online Test SETS / Sample Practice Online Exam series in Hindi and other languages very shortly.

Important Links for CCC (Course on Computer Concepts) Examination 2018.

Complete CCC Examination Information (How to CCC Certificate, Online Registration, Syllabus, Exam Date, Result, CCC Certificate Download)Click Here.

CCC Exam Study Material (Previous Year Papers, Sample Papers, Model Test Papers)- Click Here.

DOEACC / NIELIT CCC Online Test / Demo Sample Exam / Practice Test SET-F.

1. Which of the following is not a CPU trade name ?


2. In order to play and hear sound on a computer, one needs-


3. Which of the following is considered a broadband communication channel ?


4. The file extension of MS-Word document in Office 2000 is ………………..


5. Which of the following is not a transmission medium ?


6. A ……………. is a pre designed format of text and color scheme.


7. If a computer on the network shares resources for others to use, it is called …………………


8. A mouse, trackball and joy-stick are example of …………………….


9. A plotter is –


10. Which of the following is not a financial function ?


11. Borders can be applied to-


12. The mouse …………………….. usually appears as an arrow.


13. The save as… dialog box can be used-


14. Smiley is also called-


15. Which type of network uses telephone lines-


16. Which of the following is required to communicate between two computers ?


17. The ……………. effects are used to apply movement to the images and objects in slides.


18. Which of the following is correct about WAN ?


19. You can activate the Drawing toolbar with this option-


20. FDDI is the abbreviation of-


21. Temporary email is stored in-


22. In Microsoft Word, to cut something the following shortcut is used-


23. WHich is not common feature of Software Application ?


24. Dot matrix, deskjet, inkjet and laser are all types of which computer peripherals ?


25. Topology in computer language is the –


26. Using Microsoft Word’s, find and replace feature you can-


27. Which of the following is an advantage to using fiber optics data transmission ?


28. ISPs themselves are connected to one another to ……………………….


29. The function ROUND(1343,45,-2) returns –


30. To select the desired slides in the presentation you have to press:


31. Mark the most appropriate statement-


32. The …………………. performs mapping of Server names and their respective IP addresses.


33. Using MS-PowerPoint, which layout will you use to display high hierarchies of employees in your company ?


34. To create a para-break in MS-Word, which key is used-


35. Which Software would you use to teach students in computer classes ?


36. Changing the appearance of a document is called-


37. An area of memory or disk that is assigned to store email messages sent by other user is-


38. Airline reservation system is a typical example of-


39. The slowest memory is-


40. The background screen and main area of Windows where you can open and manage files and programs is known as-


41. 1 MB is equal to-


42. The term often used in starting a computer especially one that loads its operating system from disk is-


43. Operating system is the most common type of …………………. software.


44. What type of Software is LINUX ?


45. A browser is –


46. ………………… is used to create a set of documents, such as forms, letters, or labels.


47. A communication port is used to ?


48. You can check spelling and grammatical mistakes by the …………….. option.


49. The IC chip used in computers is made of-


50. Which of the following statements is wrong-


51. The drawing objects and pictures are two basic types of graphics.


52. The transmission of data from a microcomputer to a mainframe computer is called uploading.


53. A microsecond is 1000 times longer than a nanosecond.


54. Computer are programmable calculators.


55. From an Email Address, one can find out the domain name, where this email address is hosted.


56. Microcomputer systems may be used in homes as well as offices.


57. Computers are fast machines but inaccurate.


58. Business person should understand data processing to communicate well with computer personnel and for using computers.


59. The rate which you can learn more about computer is accelerated once you gain a basic understanding of computers.


60. Pie chart has three Axis.


61. All data processing systems must provide for the input, processing and output of data.


62. Most computer-related errors are the result of improperly prepared data.


63. Microcomputer is a CPU on a chip.


64. Instructions given in a program do not define any actions for the computer.


65. Computer literate able to understand the basics of computer.


66. Internet is a single, very large network.


67. The Internet is a collection of files.


68. You can also create a nested list in your document.


69. Minicomputer work faster than Microcomputer.


70. During the formatting process, a disk’s surface is divided into sectors, which are then further divided into rings, called tracks.


71. The more computer systems are becoming easy-to-use with their agronomical designs and user friendly software.


72. Fourth generation computers are primarily based on microprocessors comprising large scale integration (LSI) chip and very large scale integration (VLSI) Chips.


73. Physical connection of Network is made by NIC.


74. FTP servers store files that you can transfer to or from your computer if you have an FTP client.


75. In a spreadsheet, ordinary text is called a “Label”.


76. Operating Systems (OS) control and coordinate the functions inside the computer whereas the device drivers help the OS to control external devices.


77. The words that are wrongly typed by you are marked with a yellow wavy line.


78. A computer’s CD-ROM drive can read data disks, but it cannot play audio CDs.


79. E-mail can be used to send broadcast messages, but only within your own company.


80. All sections in a document necessarily use the same margins.


81. Bold, Italics and Bold Italics are available for all fonts.


82. Internet Explorer stores the web page you visit in the Internet list folder on the hard disk.


83. A web browser is also referred to as a web client.


84. A utility program can be used to improve the function of an operating system in some way.


85. Collecting the data and converting it into information is called processing.


86. The Rectangular Area bounded by the two axis is called plot area.


87. In Excel, it is not possible to select two non adjacent ranges at a time.


88. E-mail systems are based on a send-receive model.


89. The shortcut menu changes with the context.


90. The full form of MS-DOS is Microsoft Disk Operating System.


91. Microsoft Office Word is an application program.


92. Effective communication is always a two-way process and without effective communication, true collaboration is impossible.


93. You can browse the files and folder on your hard disk and other removable disk drive using My Computer and Window Explorer.


94. Orders and Evaluations of operators in formulae is %, ^, * or / , + or – then comparison operators.


95. The key F12 opens a save as dialog box.


96. The domain name with an extension .com describes a company or commercial organisation.


97. Refresh button returns to home page.


98. Type face, type size, and type attributes of text or numbers is called font.


99. The geometric arrangement of device on the network is called topology.


100. Presentation programs let you create notes for each slide, which are visible only to you.


Question 1 of 100

Note: Click the Next button for the next question of this CCC online test, there are total 100 question in this Practice CCC Online Demo Test SET-F. Once you click the final submit button, your CCC Online Test Results with Grade and Correct Answers will be displayed on the CCC online test result page.

Download CCC Online Test / CCC Demo – Sample Exam / Practice Test SET-F Questions in PDF Format.

All the questions compiled into this CCC Online Test SET-F demo exam are collected from the ccc previous year question papers, ccc sample papers, ccc model papers and various Top CCC examination preparation books. For any reason, If you wish to download the CCC exam questions with answers in PDF format, you can anytime visit ccc question answers section of our blog.

Note: This CCC Online Demo Exam (SET-F) has been compiled using the most important CCC questions, asked in the previous CCC online examinations. We are in process to publish CCC Previous Year Question Papers / Model Test Papers / Sample Papers / Study Material in Hindi and other languages very shortly. Bookmark us to remain updated with the latest CCC Exam News and Latest CCC Exam Preparation Study Material.

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