Download CCC Online Exam Solved Question Paper (True/False) SET-N in PDF Format / CCC Previous Year Sample Practice / Model Test Paper SET N.

CCC Online Exam Solved Question Paper with Answers SET-N (True/False).
Note: This CCC True/False Question Answer Paper (SET-N) consist of total 50 questions with the answers highlighted in BOLD-RED. You can anytime check the complete answer keys for this CCC true false question paper at page no 2 of this post.
Ques 1- In real time processing, data contained in a computer file is immediately accessible for use in processing. (True/False)
Ques 2- The terms Software and Soft Copy describe the same non permanent output. (True/False)
Ques 3- The data entry clerk and data clerk titles are inter changable and describe the same position within the operations area. (True/False)
Ques 4- E-mail addresses are case sensitive. (True/False)
Ques 5- A set of rules is known as protocol. (True/False)
Ques 6- ISP is the company that provides an Internet Connection. (True/False)
Ques 7- Destructive programs that are often attached to unsolicited e-mail are called computer viruses. (True/False)
Ques 8- Mailing lists allow members to communicate by sending messages to a list address. (True/False)
Ques 9- News Groups allow direct live communication. They are typically composed of individuals who have never met face to face. (True/False)
Ques 10- Mosaic is the pioneering web browser developed by Mark Anderseen. (True/False)
Ques 11- A browser displays a web page, but does not interpret its HTML code. (True/False)
Ques 12- A browser has 3 components namely a controller, client programs, and interpreters. (True/False)
Ques 13- The act of exploring the web is called surfing. (True/False)
Ques 14- A web browser is also called a web client. (True/False)
Ques 15- You can create your own dictionaries in Word. (True/False)
Ques 16- The spelling and grammar check can only be done once the text is selected. (True/False)
Ques 17- You cannot use different page numbering styles in different section of your document. (True/False)
Ques 18- In Excel you can indicate absolute references by a hash sign (#). (True/False)
Ques 19- The view menu in Word is used to create header and footer. (True/False)
Ques 20- A small graphic object in Windows that represents a user file or folder or a Windows file or folder or an application is called an icon. (True/False)
Ques 21- A shortcut in Windows is a linked object of a file or folder. (True/False)
Ques 22- When you delete a file or a folder in Windows, it goes to desktop. (True/False)
Ques 23- A file or folder can be restored back to its original location from the Recycle Bin. (True/False)
Ques 24- My computer is an object represented by a computer icon, which contains information regarding everything stored in your computer. (True/False)
Ques 25- A Network interface card (NIC) is an expansion card or a PC card that connects your computer to a network and provides the doorway for information to flow in and out. (True/False)
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Ques 26- A switch is a device that connects multiple computers into a network in which multiple communications links can be in operation simultaneously. (True/False)
Ques 27- A firewall is a software and / or hardware that protects a computer or network from intruders. (True/False)
Ques 28- A wireless network access point is a device that allows computers to access a wired network using radio waves. (True/False)
Ques 29- You can open the find and replace dialog box by pressing the Ctrl + F key combination. (True/False)
Ques 30- When you save a document as a web page, the textures and gradients are saved as JPEG files and the patterns are saved as GIF files. (True/False)
Ques 31- The formatting toolbar consists of buttons for changing the style of the text in your document. (True/False)
Ques 32- To close the MS Word Window, you choose close from the file menu. (True/False)
Ques 33- You place the insertion point in the middle of a paragraph and start typing. But the new text deletes the existing text. It means Word is in overtype mode. Press insert to turn it OFF. (True/False)
Ques 34- Business person should understand data processing to communicate well with computer personnel and for using computers. (True/False)
Ques 35- Computers are programmable calculators. (True/False)
Ques 36- Computers does not have more intelligence than a cockroach. (True/False)
Ques 37- The battery operated pocket calculator maybe considered as a limited purpose digital computer. (True/False)
Ques 38- The Abacus is still useful for adding numbers. (True/False)
Ques 39- The three classes of the MiniComputers are mini scale system, medium scale system, maxi minicomputer systems. (True/False)
Ques 40- You can rename and change color for Worksheet in Excel. (True/False)
Ques 41- Data validation allows you to specify the type of data that is entered into a range of cells. (True/False)
Ques 42- Solver allows you to find the best solution to complex problem that revolve around the manipulation of multiple variable and constraints. (True/False)
Ques 43- Password can be used to control security in MS Excel 2003. (True/False)
Ques 44- Goal seek allow you to find the correct input to produce the desired outcome. (True/False)
Ques 45- “In Word, the easiest way to resize the picture is by dragging its edges to match the size and shape you want”. (True/False)
Ques 46- A blog is a website where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order. (True/False)
Ques 47- Multiple non adjacent ranges can be selected in Excel. (True/False)
Ques 48- Larger scale computer systems are not restricted to batch processing operations and can perform all types of online processing. (True/False)
Ques 49- Maxi minicomputer systems possess the capability to concurrently support the online access of data from a disk file and the weekly processing of a payroll. (True/False)
Ques 50- Except for the large scale computers, SuperComputers are the largest and the most expensive type of the computers. (True/False)
Note: Answers for CCC True False Questions on NEXT Page (Page no 2 of this POST).