Download CCC Online Exam Solved Question Paper (True/False) SET-M in PDF Format / CCC Previous Year Sample Practice / Model Test Paper SET M.

CCC Online Exam Solved Question Paper with Answers SET-M (True/False).
Note: This CCC True/False Question Answer Paper (SET-M) consist of total 50 questions with the answers highlighted in BOLD-RED. You can anytime check the complete answer keys for this CCC true false question paper at page no 2 of this post.
Ques 1- This bits can have only 2 values. (True/False)
Ques 2- A set of number is called BYTE. (True/False)
Ques 3- A set of instructions is called software. (True/False)
Ques 4- Nano second is equal to 10000000. (True/False)
Ques 5- Line spacing determine the space between two paragraphs in a document. (True/False)
Ques 6- Hanging indent formats the paragraph so that it indents all line of a paragraph, except the first line. (True/False)
Ques 7- You cannot undo certain operations likes saving, printing, opening and creating of document. (True/False)
Ques 8- Mail merge is the feature of Word that provides a quick and easy way for mass producing from letters, envelopes, mailing labels, etc. (True/False)
Ques 9- A header appears only on the first page of a document whereas footers appears on all the pages of a document. (True/False)
Ques 10- AutoCorrect works automatically, whereas Auto text has to be invoked. (True/False)
Ques 11- You create a table in Word 2003 and enter some values in various cells and save the document. Later, you decide to delete the table. If you directly try to delete the table, Word 2003 will first prompt you to delete the various values in the cells. (True/False)
Ques 12- It is possible to add custom words to the dictionary that Word 2003 uses to check spelling errors in document. (True/False)
Ques 13- “To have Microsoft Excel alwys use a specific currency symbol, change the currency symbol selected in regional settings in control panel before you start Excel”. (True/False)
Ques 14- “When you turn on background printing, you can continue work in PowerPoint while you print”. (True/False)
Ques 15- When you save MS Excel 2003 workbook, the format extension will be .xlsx. (True/False)
Ques 16- The last cell for every worksheet in an MS Excel 2003 is located at the cell IV65556. (True/False)
Ques 17- A macro is a series of instructions that enable the Excel 2003 to perform commands or actions for you. (True/False)
Ques 18- You can import text from other sources into Excel without retyping the data twice. (True/False)
Ques 19- Different elements in a chart cannot have different transition. (True/False)
Ques 20- Lycos is an Internet search engine and web portal. (True/False)
Ques 21- The act of exploring the web is known as surfing. (True/False)
Ques 22- The e-mail component of internet explorer is called MSN messenger. (True/False)
Ques 23- The battery operated pocket calculator maybe considered as the limited purpose digital computer. (True/False)
Ques 24- The Abacus is still useful for adding numbers. (True/False)
Ques 25- The three classes of minicomputers are mini scale systems, medium scale systems and maxi minicomputer systems. (True/False)
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Ques 26- Some maxi minicomputer systems fall into the category of medium scale computer systems. (True/False)
Ques 27- In the outline and slides pane, you can display either slide thumbnails or outline text, but not both. (True/False)
Ques 28- The position of the slide images on the handout master cannot be changed. (True/False)
Ques 29- PowerPoint allows you to animate individual elements on the slide. (True/False)
Ques 30- Demodulation is the process of converting digital signals to analog. (True/False)
Ques 31- Communication speed is measured in bits per second. (True/False)
Ques 32- An external modem stands apart from the computer and typically is connected by a cable plugged into a serial port. (True/False)
Ques 33- T1, T2, T3 and T4 lines support all digital communications and prove very high speed capacity. (True/False)
Ques 34- You can use the AutoFormat command to analyse the formatting in the document and automatically create styles for you. (True/False)
Ques 35- Page preview shows the page in WYSIWYG mode. (True/False)
Ques 36- Print preview of Word does not allow you to do any editing. (True/False)
Ques 37- “To fill a formula into a range, select the cell that contains the formula and the drag the fill handle downward, upward, right or left, as far as you need”. (True/False)
Ques 38- Print is in file menu of NetePad. (True/False)
Ques 39- Ctrl + S is the shortcut key for SAVE. (True/False)
Ques 40- In a computer system, documents and programs are stored as files. (True/False)
Ques 41- A standard desktop computer comes with an embedded operating system. (True/False)
Ques 42- An operating system provides an interface between computer and user. (True/False)
Ques 43- Windows is 32 bit operating system. (True/False)
Ques 44- One popular chat service is called Internet Relational Chat. (True/False)
Ques 45- In the e-mail address the second part presents the domain name or the name of the server where the resource is located. (True/False)
Ques 46- In an e-mail message, the ………………….. element is a one line description, use to present the topic of the message. (True/False)
Ques 47- Unwanted and unsolicited e-mails is referred to as garbage mails. (True/False)
Ques 48- A hand written application is an example of a source document. (True/False)
Ques 49- Soft copy is a term applied to multiple pages of computer printed reports. (True/False)
Ques 50- Batch processing involves the accumulation and processing of data at regular intervals. (True/False)
Note: Answers for CCC True False Questions on NEXT Page (Page no 2 of this POST).