CCC Exam Previous Year Solved Question Paper PDF 50 MCQ (Mock) Set-S: Here we comes with another CCC Previous Year Multiple Choice Question Paper (SET-S) with Answers (highlighted in bold red color). This new CCC question paper inclusion to the CCC Study Material series is not only beneficial for the CCC candidates, it can also be used by other competitive exam candidates too. Prior to make any attempt for the DOEACC / NIELIT CCC Examination, please go through with the complete / latest CCC Exam Syllabus, and feel free to check all published CCC practice paper SETS at a2zinfomatics. Once you go through with all the old ccc exam papers published here, you will hold high chance to crack the CCC Exam in your’s first attempt. Best of luck in advance, Let’s now check the mostly asked / important CCC questions with answers.

Note: This CCC Solved Question Paper (SET-S) consist of total 50 questions. Answer for all the CCC questions are highlighted in BOLD / RED. The link to download CCC question paper Set-S in PDF format, will be provided shortly.

CCC Exam Previous Year Solved Question Paper PDF SET-S
Ques-1. Which PowerPoint view displays each slide of the presentation as a thumbnail and is useful for rearranging slides
Answer Options-
- (a) Slide Sorter
- (b) Slide master
- (c) Slide design
- (d) Slide show
Ques-2. How are the data organised in a spreadsheet?
Answer Options-
- (a) lines and spaces
- (b) height and width
- (c) layers and planes
- (d) rows and columns
Ques-3. Which elements of word document can be displayed in color?
Answer Options-
- (a) only graphics
- (b) all elements
- (c) only text
- (d) none of the above
Ques-4. To help others locate a website the site should be registered with various ……. .
Answer Options-
- (a) online services
- (b) backbone providers
- (c) search engines
- (d) mail servers
Ques-5. MS Word supports minimum zoom up to
Answer Options-
- (a) 10%
- (b) 4%
- (c) 15%
- (d) 25%
Ques-6. If text was highlighted and ‘Edit’ > ‘Copy’ was clicked , what would happen?
Answer Options-
- (a) text would be copied from the document and placed in the clipboard
- (b) text would be removed from the document and placed in the clipboard
- (c) text from the clipboard would be placed in the document at the place where the cursor is blinking
- (d) none of the above
Ques-7. Which groupings do you work with when formatting text in word?
Answer Options-
- (a) tables, paragraphs and indexes
- (b) paragraph, indexes and section
- (c) characters, sections and paragraphs
- (d) indexes, characters and tables
Ques-8. What is full form of OMR?
Answer Options-
- (a) Optical Mark Reader
- (b) Optical Marked Reading
- (c) Optical Moon Right
- (d) Optical Me Right
Ques-9. What is the full form of CD-R?
Answer Options-
- (a) collect data readable
- (b) compact disk readable
- (c) cover disk
- (d) Carbon data
Ques-10. In excel chart are created using which option?
Answer Options-
- (a) chart wizard
- (b) pie chart
- (c) bar chart
- (d) none of these
Ques-11. The outline and slides tabs appear in which view in MS PowerPoint 2003.
Answer Options-
- (a) normal
- (b) slide sorter
- (c) note pages
- (d) slideshow
Ques-12. A PowerPoint presentation ….. .
Answer Options-
- (a) can be saved as web page
- (b) cannot save as webpage
- (c) can save only a slide
- (d) can save only media file
Ques-13. The shortcut key for the font dialog box is?
Answer Options-
- (a) ctrl + c
- (b) ctrl + D
- (c) ctrl + e
- (d) ctrl + F
Ques-14. Binary means :
Answer Options-
- (a) the same as a byte : 8 bit
- (b) there are two possibilities : on and off
- (c) there are three options : 0, 1, 2.
- (d) that computers really need to have three or more option
Ques-15. Which type of network is a specifically designed configuration of computer and other device is located within a confined area
Answer Options-
- (a) Local area network
- (b) peer to peer network
- (c) wide area network
- (d) client server network
Ques-16. In which of the following views, you can see text but not the graphics?
Answer Options-
- (a) slide sorter
- (b) outline
- (c) slide
- (d) slideshow
Ques-17. The purpose of auto format command in excel is to
Answer Options-
- (a) create a professional and consistent look for your data
- (b) “Choose between standard table formats that include borders, shading, font colours and other formatting options”
- (c) easily apply a consistent format through out a workbook
- (d) all of the above
Ques-18. A ……. is an additional set of commands that the computer displays after you make a selection from the main menu.
Answer Options-
- (a) dialogue box
- (b) sub menu
- (c) menu selection
- (d) all of these
Ques-19. What is full form of ASCII
Answer Options-
- (a) Australian standard code of information interchange
- (b) American standard code for information interchange
- (c) American standard code for information industry
- (d) American standard code for information industry
Ques-20. The shortcut key for the central alignment is?
Answer Options-
- (a) Ctrl+C
- (b) Ctrl+E
- (c) Ctrl+L
- (d) Ctrl+R
Ques-21. Which of the following should be used when you want to add a slide to an existing presentation?
Answer Options-
- (a) file, add a new slide
- (b) insert, new slide
- (c) file, open
- (d) file new
Ques-22. What types of key ctrl and shift?
Answer Options-
- (a) adjustment
- (b) modifier
- (c) function
- (d) none of above
Ques-23. The toolbars that are displayed by default in the PowerPoint window includes
Answer Options-
- (a) menu bar, standard toolbar, formatting toolbar, status bar
- (b) menu bar, standard toolbar, formatting toolbar, drawing toolbar, status bar
- (c) menu bar and status bar
- (d) none of above
Ques-24. What is hexadecimal number of( 27)
Answer Options-
- (a) 1A
- (b) 1B
- (c) 2A
- (d) 2B
Ques-25. The handout master contains placeholders for all of the following except.
Answer Options-
- (a) slide number
- (b) title
- (c) footer
- (d) Header

Ques-26. What are the uses of the internet?
Answer Options-
- (a) communication
- (b) Information of retrieval
- (c) presentation of information
- (d) all of the above
Ques-27. What is the full form of URL?
Answer Options-
- (a) uniform resource library
- (b) uniform resource locators
- (c) United resource library
- (d) United resource locators
Ques-28. Which options are displayed in the add effect drop down menu in the custom animation task pane?
Answer Options-
- (a) Entrance, emphasis and exit
- (b) Entrance, exit, emphasis and motion paths
- (c) Entrance, emotion and emphasis
- (d) Entrance and exit
Ques-29. Which of the following term applies to all the web pages for
Answer Options-
- (a) top level domain
- (b) website
- (c) website address
- (d) web domain
Ques-30. When entering text within a document, the enter key is normally pressed at the end of the every
Answer Options-
- (a) line
- (b) paragraph
- (c) word
- (d) file
Ques-31. What is the language of web
Answer Options-
- (a) basic
- (b) C++
- (c) MS Visual Basic
- (d) html
Ques-32. PPP stands for?
Answer Options-
- (a) point to point protocol
- (b)peripheral to peripheral protocol
- (c) protocol to critical point
- (d) none of the above
Ques-33. A keyboard is the –
Answer Options-
- (a) main search word
- (b) name of a search engine
- (c) word used to get ID of result
- (d) style of search word
Ques-34. In PowerPoint the header and footer button can be found on the insert tab in what group?
Answer Options-
- (a) text group
- (b) object-group
- (c) illustration group
- (d) tables group
Ques-35. The letter and number of the intersecting column and row is the
Answer Options-
- (a) cell location
- (b) cell position
- (c) cell coordinates
- (d) cell address
Ques-36. The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data in excel is called
Answer Options-
- (a) tab
- (b) cell
- (c) box
- (d) range
Ques-37. You will probably use borders in word where
Answer Options-
- (a) you wish to add Emphasis to particular paragraph
- (b) you wish to draw lines Above and below for two left and right of paragraphs
- (c) you wish to Surround the paragraph with different styles of boxes
- (d) all of the above
Ques-38. A page break is used to do what?
Answer Options-
- (a) create a new page at the insertion point
- (b) create a new page at the bottom of the document
- (c) create a new page that cannot be deleted
- (d) create a Blank Page at the top of the document
Ques-39. “In Word, split cells command appears in sister …… menu.”
Answer Options-
- (a) table
- (b) format
- (c) insert
- (d) tools
Ques-40. Which of the following are commonly found on web pages?
Answer Options-
- (a) internet
- (b) hyperlinks
- (c) intranet
- (d) all of the above
Ques-41. Computer gather data for stop it means that they allowed the users to ……. Data.
Answer Options-
- (a) input
- (b) Store
- (c) present
- (d) none of these
Ques-42. Spam is related to which subject?
Answer Options-
- (a) computer
- (b) art
- (c) music
- (d) play
Ques-43. Status bar shows different types of keys:
Answer Options-
- (a) num lock key
- (b) scroll lock key
- (c) caps lock key
- (d) all of these
Ques-44. Which of the following helps Communication on internet.
Answer Options-
- (a) email
- (b) chat
- (c) newsgroups
- (d) all of the above
Ques-45. The formatting toolbar option are applied
Answer Options-
- (a) to paragraph selection only
- (b) to character selection only
- (c) to both character as well as paragraph selections
- (d) none of the above
Ques-46. Modem is connected with …..
Answer Options-
- (a) processor
- (b) motherboard
- (c) printer
- (d) phone
Ques-47. Http used by ……
Answer Options-
- (a) workbook
- (b) server
- (c) worksheet
- (d) web page
Ques-48. Which of the rule mentioned below for range names is incorrect
Answer Options-
- (a) names cannot be the same as cell reference
- (b) in a range name you are allowed to use spaces or commas
- (c) range names can be directly used in formulas
- (d) the only separators allowed our underscore characters and/or periods between words
Ques-49. What happens if you select first and second slide and then click on New slide button on toolbar?
Answer Options-
- (a) a new slide is inserted as first slide in presentation
- (b) a new slide is inserted as second slide in presentation
- (c) a new slide is inserted as third slide in presentation
- (d) none of the above
Ques-50. Who is the investigator of Internet Explorer?
Answer Options-
- (a) Microsoft
- (b) IBM
- (c) Intel
- (d) Pentium
Final Notes:
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